
At Hillstone Primary we want to create an environment where we “Be ready, be respectful & be safe”. We can only do this if your child/ren are at school.

Outstanding attendance and punctuality is our aim for every one of our pupils, this maximises the learning opportunities and parents/carers have a vital role in promoting their child’s attendance and working with the school.

Equality has a vital role towards outstanding attendance, and we understand that every family and child is individual, help us help you by communicating how we can support your child coming to school every day. We want every child to be happy, confident in the environment and ready to learn.

If your child is absent for 19 days, they become a ‘persistent absent child.’ It will create gaps not only in their learning but in their social and emotional development. It also means that the school are responsible for referring those families to the local authority.

Punctuality also leads to loss of days. If your child is 5 minutes late every day for an academic year, then they would have missed 3.5 days of school.

We appreciated that children need to attend medical appointments, booking these outside of school hours and term time will help maintain your child’s attendance.

Holidays will not be authorised in any circumstance, we understand that holidays are important for families to spend time together, children that take holidays during term time often become a ‘persistent absent child.

Attendance Policy