School uniform
School Uniform For September Onwards
School Uniform For September Onwards
Hillstone Blue Jumper or Cardigan (no hoodies)
White shirt or school polo
Grey or black skirt or trousers
White, grey, black socks or tights
Black footwear
Sensible school shoes in black only (no heels, strappy sandals or flip flops)
trainers are acceptable – but must be all black.
We have our ‘pre-loved’ uniform for sale at a very reasonable price(will be sold ½ termly outside and at parents’ evening – contact school for more details)
New uniform is available from link below
Please note, we prefer pupils to wear jumpers/cardigans with the Hillstone logo (available below) – but plain blue jumpers and cardigans in the correct colour are acceptable uniform.
During inclement weather boots can be worn to walk to and from school but shoes will be needed to change into for wearing in school during the day
House colour tee-shirt
blue shorts
black pumps or black trainers