School improvement planning is a continuous process. Consequently, this School Improvement Plan Summary is an organic document, outlining goals and current plans, As it is not rigid, it will alter as evaluation and review occur at times during the year. Our whole learning community will continue to be involved in this process through consultation, helping to build capacity for future improvement.
This plan, therefore, sets out how we aim not only to maintain performance but also to raise overall school standards, individual pupil achievement and to place staff development at the heart of school improvement. It also documents the dynamic relationship with the wider community, for example through offering extended services, such as the Breakfast Club and After-School Club.
All of Hillstone Staff and some governors drew up this improvements plan after undertaking a review of last year. Then considering the major issues that we needed to focus on this year.
The following documents were analysed and considered:
- OFSTED Report
- Assessment data
- Attendance data
- Behaviour Data
- Subject management reports
- Parent questionnaires
- Pupil Questionnaires
- Staff questionnaires
- Lesson observations
Key improvement targets
Raising standards in reading
Raise standards in mathemathics
Improve parental engagement
Equalities act
Early Years
Introduce growth mind sets