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Trustees Information

07/10/2024 08/10/2020NoneMember/Trustee – Chair NoneMr Kevin McCabe Hillstone Primary School, Hillstone Road, Shard End, Birmingham, B34 7PY 0121 675 3573
07/10/2024 08/10/2020NoneMember/Trustee – Vice Chair NoneMiss Tracey Flood Hillstone Primary School, Hillstone Road, Shard End, Birmingham, B34 7PY 0121 675 3573
21/11/2027 22/11/2023 Member  Mr R. Meadows      
31/08/2024 01/09/2016NoneMember NoneMr Chris Smith Hillstone Primary School, Hillstone Road, Shard End, Birmingham, B34 7PY   0121 675 3573
    Member  Vacancy      
  01/09/2014NoneTrustee – Head Teacher Husband of member of staffMr Jason King Hillstone Primary School, Hillstone Road, Shard End, Birmingham, B34 7PY   0121 675 3573
26/01/2024 27/01/2020NoneTrustee NoneDr Martin Leigh Hillstone Primary School, Hillstone Road, Shard End, Birmingham, B34 7PY   0121 675 3573
15/09/2025 16/09/2021NoneTrustee NoneClifford Grimason Hillstone Primary School, Hillstone Road, Shard End, Birmingham, B34 7PY   0121 675 3573
26/09/2026 26/09/2022NoneTrustee NoneTricia Bunn Hillstone Primary School, Hillstone Road, Shard End, Birmingham, B34 7PY   0121 675 3573
26/09/2026 26/09/2022NoneTrustee NoneMusrath Choudhury Hillstone Primary School, Hillstone Road, Shard End, Birmingham, B34 7PY   0121 675 3573
17/11/2026 18/11/2022NoneTrustee – Parent NoneHeather Birkett Hillstone Primary School, Hillstone Road, Shard End, Birmingham, B34 7PY   0121 675 3573
17/11/2026 18/11/2022NoneTrustee – Parent NoneJames Gomes Hillstone Primary School, Hillstone Road, Shard End, Birmingham, B34 7PY   0121 675 3573
    Trustee  Vacancy      
    Trustee  Vacancy      
26/09/2026 26/09/2022NoneClerk NoneJackie Mc Corriston Hillstone Primary School, Hillstone Road, Shar   
31/08/2022 01/09/2014NoneMember – ParentParentCurriculumNoneMrs Heather Holdsworth
15/09/2025 16/09/2021NoneTrustee – Co-optedCoFinance / SafeguardingNoneJayne Tomkinson
31/08/2022 24/11/2016NoneTrustee – StaffStaffCurriculumNoneMrs Gemma Gibbon
31/08/2022 16/09/2021 Clerk   Claire Jukes
31/08/2022 01/09/2014NoneHead TeacherStaffFinanceNoneMs Gillian Sparrow
05/05/2022 08/10/2020NoneTrustee – ParentParentFinanceNoneMrs Samantha Robinson
31/12/2021 01/01/2013NoneTrustee – Parent CurriculumNoneMrs Lisa Green
31/08/2021 01/09/2017NoneTrustee – Parent CurriculumNoneMiss Kelly Williams
28/03/2022 22/04/2021NoneTrustee – Co-optedCo NoneMr Benjamin Healy

Trustees Attendance Register for ARC and Trustee Meetings 23 – 24

Y = Attended, N = Apologies Accepted, NA = Apologies not Accepted, NS = No Apologies sent, ? = Attendance Not Marked, Blank = Not Required, CA = Consent for absence, – = Not applicable

Governor Governor Type18-Sep-2322-Nov-2305-Feb-2413-Mar-2413-Mar-2410-Jul-24
Rebecca Ballett  YYYY
Kevin McCabe Co-opted TrusteeYYNYYY
Jackie McCorriston ClerkYYYYYY
Mrs Musrath Choudhary Co-opted TrusteeYNY YY
Tracey Flood Co-opted TrusteeYYYYYY
Mr James Gomes Parent TrusteeYYY YY
Clifford Grimason Co-opted TrusteeNYN YY
Jason King HeadteacherYYYYYY
Chris Smith Member  N
Heather Birkett Parent Trustee Y  YY
Tricia Bunn Trustee N  NN
Martin Leigh Trustee Y  NY
Julie Murray Business Manager     Y
Victoria Chudleigh Deputy Head     Y

Trustees Attendance Register for Full Governing Body Meetings 22-23

    Hillstone Trustee MeetingHillstone Trustee MeetingARC Committee MeetingHillstone Trustee MeetingARC CommitteeHillstone Trustee Meeting
Governor   Governor Type22/09/202207/12/202207/02/202323/03/202319/06/202312/07/2023
Rebecca Ballett    YNYYY
Heather Birkett   Parent TrusteeYY=Y
Tricia Bunn   Co-opted TrusteeYN=Y
Mrs Musrath Choudhary   Co-opted TrusteeYYNYY
Tracey Flood   Co-opted TrusteeNYYYYY
Mr James Gomes   Parent TrusteeYYYYY
Clifford Grimason   Co-opted TrusteeYYYYYY
Heather Holdsworth   MemberN
Jason King   HeadteacherYYYYYY
Martin Leigh   Co-opted TrusteeYYYY
Kevin McCabe   Co-opted TrusteeYYYYNN
Jackie McCorriston   ClerkYYYYY
Julie Murray    YYYYY
Chris Smith   MemberY
Jayne Tomkinson   Co-Opted TrusteeNY

Trustees Attendance Register for Full Governing Body Meetings 21 – 22

Dates2021-2022 16.09.202102.12.202110.02.202231.03.202205.05.202214.07.2022
SparrowGill YYYYCXLY
FloodTracey YYNYCXLY
HoldsworthHeather NNNYCXLN
GibbonGemma YNYYCXLY
BridgesDanielle YYYYCXLN
LeighMartin YYYYCXLY
RobinsonSamantha YNYYLeft 
HealeyBen NNNLeftCXLN
GrimasonClifford YNYYCXLY
TomkinsonJayne YYNYCXLN

Trustees Attendance Register for Full Governing Body Meetings 20 – 21

Dates2020-2021 08.10.202002.02.202122.04.202108.07.2021
SparrowGill YYYY
KingJason YYYY
Flood Tracey YYYY
HoldsworthHeather YNYY
Green Lisa YYNY
SmithChris YYYN
Gibbon Gemma YNYY
Williams Kelly YYNLeft
BridgesDanielle YYYY
McCabeKevin YYYY
LeighMartin YYYY
DunlevyCallum YYLeftLeft
Robinson Samantha YYYY
HealeyBen Not joinedNot joinedYY

Trustees Attendance Register for Full Governing Body Meetings 19 – 20

Dates2019-2020 10.10.201928.11.201930.01.202012.06.202009.07.2020
SparrowGill YYY Y
KingJason YNY Y
Flood Tracey YYY Y
HoldsworthHeather NYN Y
Green Lisa NYY N
SmithChris YYN N
CampbellClaire NLeftLeftLeftLeft
Gibbon Gemma NYY N
Williams Kelly YNY N
BridgesDanielle YYY Y
McCabeKevin Not joinedNY N
LeighMartin Not joinedNot joinedY Y
DunlevyCallum Not joinedNot joinedY Y

Trustees Attendance Register for Full Governing Body Meetings 18 – 19

Dates2018-2019 06.9.201811.10.201829.11.201800.05.201918.07.2019
SparrowGill YYY Y
KingJason YYN Y
Flood Tracey YYY Y
HoldsworthHeather YYN Y
GreenwayMargaret YYN Left
HawkinsAlice YYN Left
Green Lisa YYY Y
SmithChris YNY Y
Perkins David YYY N
CampbellClaire NYY N
Gibbon Gemma YYN N
Williams Kelly NYY Y
BridgesDanielle Not joinedNot joinedNot joinedNot joinedy

Trustees Attendance Register for Full Governing Body Meetings 17 – 18

Dates2017-2018 12.10.201730.11.201708.02.201807.06.201819.07.2018
SparrowGillHead Teacheraaaaa
KingJasonStaff Governorraara
Flood TraceyCommunity Governor / Memberaaaaa
HoldsworthHeatherParent Governor / Memberaaaaa
GreenwayMargaretCommunity Governor rrrrr
HawkinsAliceStaff Governoraaaaa
Green LisaParent Governorraaaa
SmithChrisPotential Governorrraaa
Perkins DavidCommunity Governorsaaaaa
CampbellClaireParent Governoraarra
Gibbon GemmaStaff Governorrrrra
Williams KellyParent Governoraaaaa

Trustees Attendance Register for Full Governing Body Meetings 16 – 17

Dates  29/09/201624/11/201626/01/201709/03/201708/06/2017
SparrowGillHead Teacher 
KingJasonStaff Governor 
Flood TraceyCommunity Governor / Member 
GallowayKarlCommunity Governor / Member LeftLeft
HoldsworthHeatherParent Governor / Member 
GreenwayMargaretCommunity Governor  
HuntMichelleParent Governor LeftLeft
Bowen EmmaParent Governor LeftLeft
Cameron O’NeilParent Governor LeftLeft
HawkinsAliceStaff Governor 
O’GaraSandraStaff GovernorLeft LeftLeft
Green LisaParent Governor 
SmithChrisPotential Governor 
Perkins DavidCommunity Governors 
CampbellClaireParent Governor  
Gibbon GemmaStaff Governor  
Williams KellyPotential Governor    

Trustees Attendance Register for Full Governing Body Meetings 15 – 16

SparrowGillHead Teacher
KingJasonStaff Governor
Flood TraceyCommunity Governor / Member
GallowayKarlCommunity Governor / Member
HoldsworthHeatherParent Governor / Member
GreenwayMargaretCommunity Governor
BradburyLyndaCommunity Governor
HuntMichelleParent Governor
Bowen EmmaParent Governor
Cameron O’NeilParent Governor
HawkinsAliceStaff Governor
O’GaraSandraStaff Governor
Green LisaParent Governor
SmithChrisPotential Governor  

Past Trustees

End Date Start Date Member / Trustee Committees Name Address
31/08/2015 01/09/2011 Trustee Curriculum Mr Peter Forrest Hillstone Primary, Hillstone Road, Shard End, Birmingham, B34 7PY
31/08/2016 01/09/2012 Trustee Curriculum Ms Lynda Bradbury Hillstone Primary, Hillstone Road, Shard End, Birmingham, B34 7PY
13/11/2016 14/11/2012 Trustee Finance Mrs Sandra O’Gara Hillstone Primary, Hillstone Road, Shard End, Birmingham, B34 7PY
30/11/2016 01/09/2014 Trustee Finance Mrs Emma Bowen Hillstone Primary, Hillstone Road, Shard End, Birmingham, B34 7PY
24/11/2016 01/01/2012 Trustee Finance Mr O’Neil Cameron Hillstone Primary, Hillstone Road, Shard End, Birmingham, B34 7PY
24/11/2016 01/01/2012 Trustee Curriculum Ms Michelle Hunt Hillstone Primary, Hillstone Road, Shard End, Birmingham, B34 7PY
30/11/2016 01/12/2012 Member Finance Mr Karl Galloway Hillstone Primary, Hillstone Road, Shard End, Birmingham, B34 7PY

Annual Accounts

We have a responsibility to make the best use of public resources and to deliver the best education for all our students within the funding made available to us.

Given this, all academies are required to prepare annual accounts for each academic year ending 31 August and to have these accounts independently audited and published.


Executive pay Year ending 31 August 2023 – The number of employees whose employee benefits (including employer pension costs but excluding employer national insurance contributions) exceeded £100,000 was:

1 person with salary and pension contributions totalling between £90,001 to £100,001

Academy Documents

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