School Allotment
The school allotment is an area for children to spend time exploring, learning how things grow and understanding the important elements of looking after a space that they are responsible for. Throughout all the hard work, the children thoroughly enjoy sharing and tasting what they have harvested. We are so proud that Hillstone have achieved the ‘Health for Life’ award.
Time in the allotment!
This year, each class will get the opportunity to visit the allotment throughout each half term. Every year group has responsibility of a bed to grow produce linked to their topics, along with an area to look after with general upkeep. This gives pupils responsibility to ensure their area is well looked after and maintained, ensuring produce is grown!
Extra opportunities in the allotment
For those that have a keen interest in growing fruits and vegetables, every year a gardening club takes place after school once a week throughout the Spring and Summer term. This encourages a smaller group of children to spend more time maintaining the allotment space, along with lots of exciting activities in the allotment, such as planting sunflowers and decorating pots and even growing tomatoes from a tomato seed!
After school club often bring children to the allotment, maintaining the space and creating signs and pictures to put around the space.
Farmers Market
Within the Summer term, each year group takes part in creating and preparing food or harvesting crops to sell at Hillstone’s annual Farmers Market. The children are entirely involved in the planning, creating and preparing of their year group’s chosen item.
Community at Hillstone
The Farmers Market is a great opportunity for parents and carers to spend some time exploring what each year group has prepared. The children love to attend themselves and purchase the item, which they have worked so hard to prepare.
Staff to help
All staff at Hillstone work incredibly hard to ensure all pupils spend time outdoors, working together as a team. We are so lucky to have Ms Franklin as our ‘allotment manager’ who thoroughly enjoys spending time outdoors and looking after our allotment. Adding to this, Ms Franklin is always available for a helping hand when the children spend time in the allotment.
Being a Reception teacher, I love spending every opportunity outdoors and learning all about our wonderful world. Alongside this, I am Hillstone Life Skills lead and spend time in the allotment alongside Ms. Franklin