The Nursery team

Mr D. Faris
Class Teacher

Mrs M. Lay

Mrs M. Burns

If your child is unable to attend school for an extended period of time, please call the office on 0121 675 3573 and arrange a telephone meeting with Mr Faris to discuss your child’s learning.


How Many Colours in the Rainbow?

Children will be the drivers in their exploration of colour throughout this project. They will mix, compare, sort and create colour using a variety of media. Each week, children will focus on a new colour to learn about it’s tones, also exploring how to use colour to communicate thoughts and feelings.

Unit Sheet

OUR TOPIC IS Once Upon a Time

A roller coaster of a ride through classic stories such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Three Little Pigs and The Princess and the Pea.

Unit Sheet

OUR TOPIC IS Why are leaves crispy?

As children began their first half term adventure in Nursery it is important they are able to feel calm and comfortable. Our topic this half term is all about the children getting to know each other! Lots of exploration of the similarities and differences between themselves and their peers, the diversity within their families and their own feelings.
With lots of the learning based around stories, children will learn and develop awareness of new routines in Nursery, new areas to explore and how we care for our Nursery, the people within it and the people we love.

OUR TOPIC IS Why are leaves crispy?

We will be investigating everything to do with Autumn! We will look at what changes can be seen in the outside environment. Also, how animals cope with the changes and stories related to their adventures.

Our virtual school remains open so you can view learning from last year – you can see all of the previous lessons for all of the year groups. The materials found on the virtual school pages may be used by any child for additional learning if pupils are keen to extend their learning at home, or as extra support. If pupils are unable to attend school due to prolonged illness or isolation, please arrange to talk to us and we will direct you to relevant virtual learning.

Virtual School

Current Term

How Many Colours in the Rainbow?

Children will be the drivers in their exploration of colour throughout this project. They will mix, compare, sort and create colour using a variety of media. Each week, children will focus on a new colour to learn about it’s tones, also exploring how to use colour to communicate thoughts and feelings.


To mark make with meaning, trace over lines and shapes and individual names. To also develop the pincer grip when holding a pencil.


To recap on sounds M, A, S, T and D. Start learning new sounds such as I, N, P, G and O.


Recite numbers from 1 to 10. To match number quantities to numerical forms.


Physical activity not only improves health, reduces stress and improves concentration, but also promotes correct physical growth and development. Exercise has a positive influence on academic achievement, emotional stability and interaction with others.

Nursery PE

Children will be working on their turn-taking skills in a variety of activities, along with visual tracking and resilience to not give up.
To improve balance and hand eye coordination.

Learning diaries and
keeping in touch

You will be expected to record reading in your child’s diary. This is a fantastic resource for the children to use, but also key for parent and teacher communication. Please read with your child, at least 3 times per week and record this in their diary with further comments.

Additional Information

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