Modern Foreign Language

Statement of Intent

The intent of Modern Foreign Language teaching at Hillstone is to provide an opportunity for children to experience and develop an interest and curiosity in foreign languages.

We teach fun and engaging language lessons that inspire our learners.

We think it is important for children to gain a deep understanding of the wider world during their time at Hillstone and so we provide children with the opportunity to learn two languages.

Children in years 3 and 4 are taught weekly Spanish lessons, while children in years 5 and 6 are taught weekly French lessons.

This affords children a wonderful chance to experience two significant cultures and to learn about the important cultural impact each has on the world.

Language lessons

Language lessons are first taught at the start of year 3. As this runs alongside our ‘Hola!’ topic, children are given an exciting and enthusiastic introduction to the world of languages. Our lessons focus on teaching the 4 key language-learning skills: listening, speaking, writing and reading. We make use of the ‘Language Angels’ scheme of work to ensure children are receiving high-quality lessons and resources. Lessons offer appropriate levels of challenge and differentiation to ensure that all children can learn effectively, while building on their enthusiasm for the language. Where possible, language units are also linked to year group topics, such as our healthy foods unit which is taught alongside the ‘Healthy Heroes’ topic in year 3. Mediums such as ICT, games, flash cards, songs and cultural exposure are used consistently in lessons. Our children develop their confidence in language learning throughout Key Stage 2 and have the foundations to continue with their language learning in Key Stage 3.

Learning documents

Further documentation
