The Year 6 team

Miss S. Kinsman
Class Teacher 6K

Class Teacher 6R


If your child is unable to attend school for an extended period of time, please call the office on 0121 675 3573 and arrange a telephone meeting with Mrs Race (6R) or Miss Kinsman (6K) to discuss your child’s learning.

Topics and learning overviews

OUR TOPIC IS: We are detectives

The aim of this project is to broaden our scientific view of the world around us and learn about electricity and changing states through a range of experiments.

Unit Sheet Knowledge Organiser

OUR TOPIC IS Our Changing World

During this term, Year 6 will be looking at climate change and how this has affected our planet. This will also include look at at plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, biomes and rivers including a river study.

Unit Sheet Knowledge Organiser


This term we will be learning about the Tudors: Tudor monarchs, life in Tudor times and their impact on Britain.

Unit Sheet Knowledge Organiser

Our virtual school remains open so you can view learning from last year – you can see all of the previous lessons for all of the year groups. The materials found on the virtual school pages may be used by any child for additional learning if pupils are keen to extend their learning at home, or as extra support. If pupils are unable to attend school due to prolonged illness or isolation, please arrange to talk to us and we will direct you to relevant virtual learning.

Virtual School

Current Term

OUR TOPIC IS: We are detectives

The aim of this project is to broaden our scientific view of the world around us and learn about electricity and changing states through a range of experiments.


In writing, Year 6 will be using visual and literary stimuli to generate ideas and content for a variety of styles of writing, including narrative and diary writing. These will often link with our main topic or other areas of study. Through these texts we will develop our understanding of how different types of punctuation – such as dashes and hyphens – can help to clarify meaning and make our writing flow. We will be using the Sir Linkalot program to further our knowledge of Y6 spellings, and will be developing our grammar skills (such as understanding tenses) in order to prepare us for our upcoming SATs.


Our class reader is The Tower at Moonville by Stephen Elboz and in our Reading lessons we are using the first of the Skulduggery Pleasant books, the author of which is Derek Landy. Through these we are developing our reading comprehension skills and also learning to identify themes in texts. Additionally, we will be looking at how authors use dialogue to convey character and develop plot, and will be using the poem The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes to express opinions about apoem.


During maths this term, we will be learning about: ratio, proportion, algebra, decimals and percentages


Physical activity not only improves health, reduces stress and improves concentration, but also promotes correct physical growth and development. Exercise has a positive influence on academic achievement, emotional stability and interaction with others.

This term we are learning more gymnastic skills and improving our skills in hockey.


6K will be doing PE on Monday and swimming on Friday. Please could you ensure that you child has their PE kit with them on these days. It would be extremely useful if children could bring in a pair of gym pumps and a pair of trainers.


6R will be doing PE on Monday and on a Friday. Please could you ensure that you child has their PE kit with them on these days. It would be extremely useful if children could bring in a pair of gym pumps and a pair of trainers.



We will be using the model music curriculum scheme from Charanga to explore music and technology and develop our ensemble skills.

Use body percussion, instruments and voice
Understand and respond to music in complex time signatures
Find and keep a steady pulse
Listen to a copy rhythmic patterns made from different types of notes

Learning diaries and
keeping in touch

You will be expected to record reading in your child’s diary. This is a fantastic resource for the children to use, but also key for parent and teacher communication. Please read with your child, at least 3 times per week and record this in their diary with further comments.

Additional Information

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