The Year 5 team

Mr R. Krasnopolski
Class Teacher 5K

Class Teacher 5T

Mrs R. Parr

King Edward Parent Information Session PowerPoint

If your child is unable to attend school for an extended period of time, please call the office on 0121 675 3573 and arrange a telephone meeting with Mrs Tyndall (5T) or Mr Krasnopolski (5K) to discuss your child’s learning.

Topics and learning overviews


Children will be learning about the costs of war and the importance of avoiding conflicts in the future.

Unit Sheet Knowledge Organiser

OUR TOPIC IS Eastern Empires

Throughout this unit, the children will be introduced to the history in the Middle East, starting with an understanding of Baghdad’s role in the early Islamic civilisation. They will evaluate the impact of early Islamic scholars and the formation of the first caliphate on the wider world. As they look into these areas in more depth, they will extend their knowledge and wider understanding of trade and the growth of an empire, whilst making links to previous learning.

Unit Sheet Knowledge Organiser

OUR TOPIC IS Across the Americas

Our first Across the Americas topic will focus on the human and physical geography of Brazil. We will start by exploring the importance of protecting the Amazon rain forest. Over the course of the unit, the children will develop key geography skills and improve their understanding of one of the most populous countries in the world.

Unit Sheet Knowledge Organiser


Exploring space will instil a sense of awe and help the children to understand their place in the universe. Furthermore, this unit provides the children with opportunities to set up their own scientific enquiries focused on gravity and air resistance.

Unit Sheet Knowledge Organiser

OUR TOPIC IS  The Human Body

The purpose of this unit is to provide an understanding of key systems in the human body. This will help the children to make lifestyle choices that promote a happy, healthy life.

Unit Sheet Knowledge Organiser

Our virtual school remains open so you can view learning from last year – you can see all of the previous lessons for all of the year groups. The materials found on the virtual school pages may be used by any child for additional learning if pupils are keen to extend their learning at home, or as extra support. If pupils are unable to attend school due to prolonged illness or isolation, please arrange to talk to us and we will direct you to relevant virtual learning.

Virtual School

Current Term


Children will be learning about the costs of war and the importance of avoiding conflicts in the future.


We will be using emotional literacy to give empathy to characters, this will enable children to take ownership of their writing. We will also be focusing on adapting sentence length and vocabulary to enhance the meaning and using a wide range of devices to build cohesion within a paragraph.



In reading we will be reading Goodnight Mr Tom and Identifying and explaining the key features. We will identify and comment upon an author’s or poet’s viewpoint.


In maths we are focusing on geometry where we are looking at types of angles. We then move onto position an movement where we plot on a graph and look at translation. Ending the term with measurement and converting.


Physical activity not only improves health, reduces stress and improves concentration, but also promotes correct physical growth and development. Exercise has a positive influence on academic achievement, emotional stability and interaction with others.


5K will be doing PE on a Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit with them on these days. It would be useful if the children could bring in a pair of gym pumps and a pair of trainers.


5T will be doing PE on a Wednesday and swimming on Friday. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit with them on these days. It would be useful if the children could bring in a pair of gym pumps and a pair of trainers.

Learning diaries and
keeping in touch

You will be expected to record reading in your child’s diary. This is a fantastic resource for the children to use, but also key for parent and teacher communication. Please read with your child, at least 3 times per week and record this in their diary with further comments.

Additional Information

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